FOTOD Kogukas vanaproua tegi totaalse elumuutuse ja on nüüd fitnessistaar

73-aastasel fitnessikuningannal (paremal) Joan MacDonaldil on sotsiaalmeedias miljoneid jälgijaid. Fotol on kandalanna koos väimehega.
73-aastasel fitnessikuningannal (paremal) Joan MacDonaldil on sotsiaalmeedias miljoneid jälgijaid. Fotol on kandalanna koos väimehega. Foto:

73-aastane Joan MacDonald rääkis, et veel mõned aastad tagasi tundis ta end kehvasti. «Vaatan peeglisse ja näen õnnelikku, tervet ja tugevat inimest,» ütles vanaproua, keda nüüd jälgib sotsiaalmeedias ligi miljon inimest.

Enne elumuutust oli kanadalasest proua tervsilik seisund kehvake ja talle ei meeldinud, kui temast pilte tehti. Kolm aastat tagasi kaalus 161 sentimeetri pikkune naine koguni 91 kilogrammi ja hommikud algasid mitte võimlemise, vaid tabletttide võtmisega - kõrge vererõhk, kolesteroool ja muud hädad. Ta oli käinud maovähendusoperatsioonil, samuti oli ta läbinud põlveoperatsiooni, ka peresuhted kannatasid. 


The photo on the left was taken in the nursing home that my mother was in her last years. My daughter took the picture. It was shortly after this that she gave me a pretty big talking to, explaining about her YHH program, and that it was going to be up to me to turn my life around. I don’t know what she saw in me, but I do know that she was desperate. I think we both cried that night when she begged me to get serious about my health. I’ve never looked back. We are now two weeks into the new year. Stay optimistic everybody! Go at your own pace!! Huge changes can be made from very small, daily successes. 🙏🙏🙏 I honestly made so many mistakes, read programs backwards, I kept forgetting my passwords to log into my phone and my accounts 😂😂 I read my diet plan wrong, I mixed up my carbs all the time, BUT I KEPT ON TRYING, blundering my way forwards and learning more about my health every day. It really isn’t about being perfect it’s about being consistent and just learning as you go. 🙏🙏 Good luck to all of you! If you have any questions please feel free to ask away! 💕💕 With love Joan . #transformation #health #fitover70 #agingbackwards #longevity

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«Vihaksin pildistamist,» sõnas 73-aastane kanadalanna. 

Elumuutvaks hetkeks sai, kui arstid ütlesid, et ravimiannuseid on vaja suurendada. «Ei tahtnud mingil juhul oma ema kombel juhul hooldekodusse minna. Tütar Michelle oli minu eest hoolitsenud juba mitu aastat.»

Joani tütar Michelle ja tema abikaasa on fitnessiprofid, kes omavad Mehhikos oma spordisaali.  2016. aastal külastasid nad Joani ning ema tervise pärast muretsev Michelle nõudis, et ema alustaks poole aastast videotreeningtsüklit. Michelle oli valmis, et ema puikleb vastu, kuid Joan nõustus kõhklematult ning läks paariks nädalaks tütre juurde Mehhikosse, et fitnessi algõpetust saada.

Joan pajatas, et algus oli meeletult raske. Tütar möönas siiski, et ema tegi isegi liiga palju trenni. «Pidin teda tagasi hoidma,» rääkis tütar.


My tips to help you get started: 1. Really take stock of the things you want to change . Be clear in your mind what habits you want to change. Write those things down. Make a clear list! 2. Write out another list of the new habits you want to master to create a new you. Be clear. Be simple. Changing your life isn’t as complicated as we make it out to be. To make big changes we need to create new daily habits. That’s it. End of story. Focus on the habits. 🥰🥰 3. Get a nutrition plan and an exercise plan that you can follow for the long term. Be careful of fad diets that eliminate major food groups. You want this to be sustainable. Anyone can lose 10 lbs for a couple of months. You will want to be one of the few that transform for the long haul. That’s where the real benefits start racking up! 🔝🔝 4. Have an attitude of gratitude for the small successes. The more you can focus on what you’re doing right, the more confident and energized you’ll be to keep on going. You can’t beat yourself over the finish line folks. You’ve got to learn to truly love yourself unconditionally and keep on encouraging ourselves to grow in the right direction. ❤️ . Happy Friday! Sounds out, I got my guns out! With love, Joan XO . . . . . #fitover70 #agingbackwards #oldladygains #biceps #girlswithmuscle #girlswholift #wellness #wisdom

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Pärast koju naasmist hakkas Joan ka toitumisele tähelepanu pöörama. Poole aastaga kaotas ta oma kehakaalust koguni 20 kilogrammi. «Ei ole mingit vanusepiiri! Tuleb eesmärgid seada ja pihta hakata!» 

«Inimesed arvavad, et raskuste tõstmine sellisetele vanuritele nagu mina, on ülejõu käiv ja ebatervislik. Kuid mida rohkem trenni teed, seda kõvemaks lähevad ka kondid! Kes see pehmeid luid tahaks?»

«On täiesti uskumatu, et ma nii populaarne olen! Ise ennast ma mingiks eeskujuks ei pea. Kui aga arvatakse, et ma võiksin eeskujuks olla, siis palun, mulle see isegi meeldib,» sõnas kanadalanna, keda sotsiaalmeedias jälgib üle 500 000 inimese.


I just started to learn how to barbell squat this year. 😅 Leggings are by @womensbest for those of you wondering. Who would like to see me come up with my own clothing line with WB? 💪 . I’m no expert on these and I’m limited in my Range of Motion but here are a couple of tips that I picked up from my coaches @yourhealthyhedonista and @jeanjacquesbarrett : 1) get tight for each rep! I’m trying to squeeze my abs and then take a full deep breath into my mid section and hold it until the rep is done 😅 2) I really have to think about pulling that bar into my back as I squat down so I’m not so wobbly 3) this one is really hard but I’m trying! I am thinking of pushing my knees out as I push back up when I’m at the bottom. Sometimes I get it, and sometimes I don’t. . I started squatting on the Smith machine last year, and this year I’ve graduated to barbell squats. As you can see I use knee sleeves to protect my old knees and they work like a charm. These are by @mbslingshot and I wear a size XXL ☺️ . Listen, it’s not about being perfect. It’s about trying to learn, allowing yourself to make mistakes, and keeping a positive attitude. I am far from perfect but I keep on trying to get better and I cut myself a lot of slack. 👻 Don’t let fear or doubt or old habits stop you from growing. If I can do it trust me, you can do it too! ❤️❤️👵🏼👵🏼 . #womensbestwear #tscathlete #fitover70 #girlswhopowerlift #bodybuilding

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Nüüdseks on Joan MacDonald olnud mitmete fitnessiajakirjade kaanetüdrukuks. 

«Mu abikaasa arvab, et ma näen tõeliselt hea välja,» muigas vanaproua ise. «Kõige tähtsam on see, et ei pea enam nii palju rohtusid neelama. Oleme siinilmas lühikest aega. Tuleb elada!»

Tagasi üles