Endise vabavõitlustähe sünnitus vannitoapõrandal: «Kõik oli nii täiuslikult ebatäiuslik»

Endine vabavõitleja Miesha Tate ja abikaasa Johnny Nuñez vastsündinud ilmakodanikuga.
Endine vabavõitleja Miesha Tate ja abikaasa Johnny Nuñez vastsündinud ilmakodanikuga. Foto: instagram.com

USA endine vabavõitleja, kääbuskaalu UFC-sarja ekstšempion  Miesha Tate sünnitas pühapäeval teise lapse. Tegemist polnud tavalise sünnitusega, sest poeglaps tuli ilmale Tate ja abikaasa Johnny Nuñezi Singapuri-kodu vannitoas. 

Tate andis peresündmusest teada oma Instagramikontol, kuhu laadis mitmeid fotosid. Esimesel ülesvõttel hoiab Tate vastsündinud beebit süles ja nas istuvad abikaasaga vannitoa põrandal. Pildile mahub ka paari esikklaps.

«Sain jälle emaks! Uskumatu kogemus. Soovisime sünnitada haiglas, kuid pojal olid teised plaanid,» kirjutas endine vabavõitlusstaar.

«Daxton Wylder Nuñez sündis 14. juunil kell 8.20 mei kodus. Tervitame meie perre saabunud poega. See oli täiuslikult ebatäiuslik, olin ütlemata õnnelik.»

«Kui asjad enam hullemaks minna ei saa, siis see juhtub. Aitasin pojal ilmale tulla. Väike tugev poiss tahtis siia tulla nii kiiresti, et otsustas sündida vannitoas. Sellest sünnist tekkis eluaegne side. Ema oli tõeline sõdur,» kirjutas ämmaemandaks olnud Nuñez.

Tate avaldas eelmisel nädala esimesel poolel fotosid oma kõhust ja kirjutas, et on käimas 40. rasedusnädal ning soovob sünnitada haiglas arstide hoole all.


40 weeks +2 days, I'm not thrilled but No, I won't be getting induced. Fun fact, you're not actually overdue until 2 weeks past the EDD (Estimated Due Date). Only 4% of babies are born on their EDD so clearly it's not that accurate I'm ranting but it needs to be said. Hospitals are run like most businesses, to be efficient and to make money. Don't get me wrong I'm grateful to have hospitals & doctors, I transferred my last home birth to a hospital and this time I will be at the hospital to give birth as well BUT I searched high & low to find a doctor & facility (they have birthing tubs yay!) that would support my desire to have only absolutely medically necessary interventions with a doctor who trusts women to birth their babies naturally. Think about it, pregnant women are the only patients that DON'T actually have something wrong with them! We aren't sick or broken but often times this is just the mindset of the medical field to approach every situation as though it needs fixing. The cesarean rate continues to climb globally. In the US above 30%, Singapore 40+%, Brazil 50% some hospitals there as high as 80%! The World Health Organisation says it should be around 15%, I think lower even but regardless even 30% is offensive. OBGYN Doctors are SURGEONS!! Don't forget that (many get their degrees and have never attended a live natural birth) or that it's more convenient for them to schedule you down for a cesarean so they can make their lunch break on time and collect some extra $ too! Not all OBGYNs think this way but it's important for you to know how your provider feels and acts. It's time women stop being bystanders to their own labor/delivery, to be made to feel powerless or like you don't know how to birth your baby is a crime. My goal is not to make anyone feel bad or guilty for decisions they made or decisions that were made for them in the heat of the moment but rather to give a voice back to women. We DO have a say how our babies are brought into this world so USE it! No, I'm not late, I'm not overdue, I'm not sick, I'm not broken. I'm pregnant with a healthy baby who will come when his lungs are good and strong and he is READY!

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Tate ja Nuñezin esimene laps Amaia Nevaeh Nuñez sündis juunis 2018.

Tate pidas oma viimase matši aastal 2016, kui kaotas Raquel Penningtonile. Vabavõitluskarjääri jooksul saavutas ta 18 võitu ning pidi kaotajana ringist lahkuma seitsmel korral.

Raquel Pennington (sinised kindad) ja Miesha Tate (pinased kindad) oma viimases UFC lahingus Madison Square Gardenis 2016.aastal. 
Raquel Pennington (sinised kindad) ja Miesha Tate (pinased kindad) oma viimases UFC lahingus Madison Square Gardenis 2016.aastal. Foto: Adam Hunger/USA Today Sports/Scanpix

Samuti vabavõitlejana tuntud abikaasa on ringis käinud üheksal korral ja väljunud sealt seitse korda võitjana.

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